Evernote: 9 reasons to use it
My favorite piece of technology at the moment, by a country mile, has to be Evernote – which I use on both my laptop and tablet. It’s a simple, but highly effective, piece of note-taking software that has made my working life so much easier.
So why do I like it so much:
- No more notepad. This is “finally” the one-stop piece of software that now means I work almost paper-less. I certainly no longer carry a pen or paper with me whilst I work.
- My notes are where I need them, whenever I need them. Evernote is a cloud based service – which means if I take notes on my tablet, it synchs online when I’m next connected, so when I’m sat on my laptop all of my notes are there.
- Archived notes… forever. My notes are there for me stored locally and online so I can always refer to them if I need them (no more storing old notepads – full of content I then never looked at again)
- Notes are searchable. I can search for keywords and always find the note/text I was thinking of. Great for keeping track of actions in a meeting – write a reference for an action (I use a*). Get back to your desk, run a search for the word/phrase and there you have all uses of this action (to make this effective, you should remove the reference once completed – although results are sort-able by date so you can easily see current actions)
- Action Lists. I now have one constant note “weekly actions” that I keep open on my computer throughout the day. It’s a grid that sorts my week out into Am and Pm for each day. I can then add in to each grid an action list with tick-box icons (so I can mark when completed). This enables me to plan my week accurately, keep track of actions (no more notebook filled with daily to-do’s) and review at the end of the week (I work in an industry where we have to complete time-sheets so this is hugely helpful.
- Tagging notes. I can put in simple tags to each note I save – again making it easy to sort and keep track (I do this by client for example).
- Voice Recording. For those really important meetings, or for those meetings where you really need to listen (and where note taking detracts) I can click record (best on the tablet) and the audio from the meeting is captured and stored in the note. A great and very useful feature.
- Research. Now that delicious is no-longer, I now use Evernote to keep track of any web research I’m conducting (a holiday or client research for example) – an Evernote toolbar button allows me to tag web content and for the page/article to appear in my Evernote notebook for future reference.
- It’s free. There is a premium service that I might explore one day, but for now the free service does everything I’d want to do and more.
I’d recommend everyone to try it – even if you don’t have a Tablet, it works just as well on a laptop. I’ve been using for a month now, but am still finding new features and new ways of working with it.
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